英雄联盟老鼠出装2022(A Complete Guide to 2022 Rat Outfit Rat Without the Cheese)

da支辛疾 2024-04-08 11:18:28

A Complete Guide to 2022 Rat Outfit Rat Without the Cheese

If you are a League of Legends player, you know how important it is to choose the right equipment for your champion. And if you are a fan of Rat, then you need to know the most suitable equipment for him. In this article, we will be discussing the perfect 2022 outfit for Rat without the cheese. Let’s dive into it!

Starting Equipment

When it comes to starting equipment for Rat, it is important to focus on his early game. For this, we recommend getting a Doran’s blade, Health potion, and a Warding totem. Doran’s blade will give you bonus attack damage and a little health to survive early game. Health potions will help you regenerate health while Warding Totem will help you ward off enemy junglers or roamers.

Core Items

Now that you have your starting items, it’s time to focus on your core items that will give you the much-needed damage and survivability for mid and late game. The first item that you should buy is a Rift Maker. It will give you the ability power and health you need to survive in fights and deal significant damage.

英雄联盟老鼠出装2022(A Complete Guide to 2022 Rat Outfit Rat Without the Cheese)

The next core item on the list should be a Zhonya’s Hourglass. This is the perfect item for Rat as he is a melee champion and can get into the thick of fights easily. The Zhonya’s Hourglass will give you armor and ability power while also allowing you to become immune to all damage and effects for a short time. This is especially useful when you are trying to dodge enemy ultimates or abilities.

The third item on the list should be a Nashor’s Tooth. This amazing item will give you attack speed, ability power, and cooldown reduction. These stats are perfect for Rat as he needs to be able to attack as quickly as possible while also having the ability to use his abilities. Nashor’s Tooth will provide you with a well-rounded set of stats that will greatly improve your performance.

英雄联盟老鼠出装2022(A Complete Guide to 2022 Rat Outfit Rat Without the Cheese)

Situational Items

Finally, we come to the situational items. These are the items that you will need to purchase based on your opponent's team composition and the game's current situation. The first situational item you should consider is a Rabadon’s Deathcap. If you are the team's main carry and are doing well, this item will greatly increase your ability power, giving you the ability to kill enemies quickly.

英雄联盟老鼠出装2022(A Complete Guide to 2022 Rat Outfit Rat Without the Cheese)

The second situational item you should consider is a Void Staff. If the enemy team is building a lot of magic resist items, then you will need to get a Void Staff. This item will reduce the enemy team’s magic resist and allow you to deal more damage with your abilities.

Overall, these are the four items that you should focus on when equipping your Rat in 2022. With the right starting equipment, core items, and situational items, you can become a fearsome opponent to anyone on the battlefield. So go ahead, give it a try, and see if you can become the ultimate Rat.

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